Farewell, GoLive

Wow, this is not a good week for me and technology. First MSN Direct Smart Watches, and now, Adobe GoLive.

To be honest, I haven’t used GoLive in a long time. The rise of Content Management Systems has really insulated me from web design. I find that making static pages is an inefficient method of web site development. But, that’s mostly because of my needs… community involvement is key to a modern news site’s success.

However, GoLive was always preferred for me over Dreamweaver, since the first time I touched it at Macworld Expo (that was long before Macromedia -> Adobe nabbed it up).

The writing has certainly been on the wall for GoLive for quite awhile, Adobe has put it on a deathwatch publicly for a good year now. Still, GoLive was always easier for me to grasp than Dreamweaver. And, to be honest, I don’t see myself grabbing CS3 any time soon. I still find it to be an overpriced, unnecessary way to pay for a lot of software (half of which any designer/developer will never need).

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