Live Mesh Updated: Look Mom, no UAC! (Updated)

Live Mesh got an update today. While Microsoft hasn’t said it yet, I just put it to the test… and you don’t need User Account Control to use Live Mesh anymore.

Now, here’s the catch… the installer may be out of date. So, you may need to enable UAC in Vista, reboot… then install Live Mesh. Finally, let it get up and running and then disable UAC. I haven’t tested a complete uninstall and reinstall yet.

Also untested: If Windows Server 2003 and 2008 were added yet.

P.S. It would be really nice if Microsoft would let people know what is being changed when Live Mesh is updated. At the very least, post a blog entry simultaneously with every update. That way, people can… be better informed about Live Mesh.

Update: Late yesterday, the team sent out an email. Here are the official major changes:

· Live Mesh is now available in all English-speaking countries (not just the U.S.)

· Removed the User Account Control (UAC) requirement when installing and using Live Mesh with Windows Vista SP1

· Index for Desktop Search now works with Live Mesh folders

· Fixed bug where an underscore in a Hotmail account name returned an “Invalid Hotmail Address” error

· Fixed bug with Silverlight 2 Beta 2 failing to load in Silverlight Media View

· Fixed bug where the notifier tooltip incorrectly indicated that Live Mesh Remote Desktop was unavailable for a computer running in non-admin mode

· Fixed bug where the Live Mesh folder icon was not displayed in the e-mail inviting someone to share a folder

· Fixed one of the bugs that caused Live Mesh to fail to start

· Fixed problem with Live Mesh returning errors when waking from sleep/hibernate

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