11 Responses

  1. Evi Chlaettstar
    Evi Chlaettstar October 14, 2017 at 7:06 am |

    Great idea. I would buy such one.

  2. Nicolas Magne
    Nicolas Magne July 18, 2018 at 5:30 am |

    Really good idea, if you still interesting we can make it work in the new models

  3. Deckyon
    Deckyon August 29, 2018 at 10:22 am |

    I have the original one for my Surface Pro 2 (2013 model). The other week, I got the new Surface Pro (2017 model) and tried it out. The SP would recognize and pair with the adapter, however the adapter will not work with the new keyboard. Guessing the pins on the keyboards are different…

    I would get this again for the new Surface Pro.

  4. Bobb Smith
    Bobb Smith September 1, 2018 at 9:36 pm |

    Sounds Awesome. I would buy one if it becomes available.

  5. Karl Andre
    Karl Andre November 5, 2018 at 2:29 pm |

    Yes another example of how Microsoft got ripped off and ripped us off. The Chinese manufacturer got over on Microsoft because MS did not specify the exact battery spec IE spec’ing Lithium Ion battery specifically and the Manufacturer used a old NiMH battery. Then Microsoft buried this product and pretend it never existed rather than doing the right thing and replacing the batteries with a proper Li-Ion replacement. Chris I am curious have you tried to open one of these up and see if they are just a stack of wrapped rechargeable batteries? I would think they could have made the product with rechargeable batteries that could be replaced. I have a Surface Pro 2 512GB with ALL the accessories including this adapter and I used to love to use it along with the wireless adapter for the TV

  6. James
    James March 22, 2019 at 5:10 am |

    I’d love to give this a go. Has anyone tried a scalpel to open it up?

    However I’m more concerned about getting it to work with my SP4 Cover…note my cover does NOT have the fingerprint ID thing…but it pairs and connects but won’t work.

  7. Hanki Shin
    Hanki Shin May 8, 2019 at 11:13 am |

    Anyone figure out how to open it up in the first place?
    Like as in how to pry it open without damaging it?
    I can’t seem to find the safest entry point.

    Any assistance would be awesome! I’d rather revive this piece with the same exact battery than have it sit and collect dust. The battery doesn’t charge anymore šŸ™


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