WordPress 2.5.1 Aftermath

It seems that WordPress 2.5.1 may not be as bug-free as everyone hoped.

I’m currently having a bad caching issue with WordPress and a new site that I’m working on. Basically, I upload a changed theme file… and the changes aren’t updated. It’s caching the old copy, and I’ve tried just about everything in the book to turn it off.

My next step is to disable caching completely, but that’s a poor fix for the problem.

Now, here’s the thing. I disabled the WordPress cache routine, and the problem persisted. Thinking it’s a server caching problem, I rebooted the server. Nope, not there.

So, now I’m confused as to who to point the finger to. Ultimately I renamed all the dependencies, and that did the trick. But, it’s a matter of who’s more likely to blame, my server which has no caching issues other than this… or, WordPress that just got updated.

If anyone has any experience with this issue so far, please feel free to hit the comments.

3 Responses

  1. indi
    indi April 28, 2008 at 11:32 pm |

    I’m having the same problem. It’s actually crippling for web development. Changes don’t stick, or they appear different across different browsers. Would appreciate a shout if this gets sorted out somewhere sometime

  2. wintersweet
    wintersweet May 13, 2008 at 8:21 pm |

    Me also–when this happened on an older version, it was the WP-cache thing, but not this time. I even deleted the cache directory. And yes, it destroys preview and other functionality.

  3. Jonathan Harriot
    Jonathan Harriot July 4, 2008 at 4:08 pm |

    The WP-Cache issue is really annoying me as I’m developing 2 WP based sites for clients and its really screwing up the dev process as I keep having to delete the files in the cache folder. That seems to be the temporary fix but in the long term I see one large flaw, what if my clients decide to edit a posting and the changes are not visible?


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