TSBs, (Silent) Recalls, oh, and Headaches

Okay, I’m more than willing to say that this week hasn’t been that great in terms of nomenclature. When the whole LX160 recall-not-recall-TSB-mess rang phones from California to Virginia. And, as many times in the past, the messenger got the most arrows.

Now, I’m not here to rehash things. Many think this was simply a TSB that wasn’t sent well to stores. Many think this was a silent recall. What I want to do, is hash things out so that the general public has better understanding… and better definitions.

I’d like for folks to come up with their own definitions for a silent recall. Don’t like a the name? Fine… come up with another. But, I like Silent Recall, because the denotation jives with the connotation… a company is quietly capturing units without informing the public that there is a systemic problem. And, that I think is the best basis for the start of things.

Once there’s enough feedback, we’ll take it over to Wikipedia and set up an article with examples and help spread the word, so companies know leaving customers in the dark is not a good thing to do.

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