How To Get HBO MAX Back with Legacy Unlimited Plus or Choice (Enhanced) Plans
AT&T took HBO MAX away from some people, due to a bug. Through a Rube Goldberg Machine series of steps, I’ll help you get it back.
AT&T took HBO MAX away from some people, due to a bug. Through a Rube Goldberg Machine series of steps, I’ll help you get it back.
I cannot overstate how much damage Lenovo has done to its brand over the past week by failing to update its once-flagship phone to Android 9 Pie.
After taking my card and scanning it, the sales rep informed me he was recovering from a cold – presumably, rhinovirus. He then proceeded to wipe his nose several times, and touch my device as he completed the mandatory activation. But I don’t blame the guy – read more to see why.
One R&D project I chose to do myself involved flashing each Moto G5 Plus firmware release in sequence, and recording the baseband and modem firmware versions, and when they changed. This is for the device named “potter” only.
Apparently Engadget doesn’t understand basic law. No, 50 votes in Senate would not restore Net Neutrality. At all. When people wonder why “fake news” is such a thing today, here’s a case study in why.
I give DIRECTV NOW and AT&T’s Sponsored Data as a solution to cut the cord, completely.
What I’m looking for is the original Macromedia Shockwave “interactive” demo for Windows CE handheld devices.
This could indicate that Google may be aiming to run Android Wear on lower-powered processors in the future.
If you’re at home, and you notice your LTE signal keeps bouncing around between full bars and just one bar… I have a solution for you! Try an iPhone 5. No, I’m not nuts, bear with me.